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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Earthquake Safety

     As a new science assignment about earthquakes, I am supposed to write about how I would prepare my apartment for an earthquake.

Before the earthquake, I would make a survival kit containing this list of items that I got from this website.

  • Flashlights with extra batteries
  • Battery-powered radio with extra batteries
  • One-week supply of water
  • One-week supply of non-perishable food and a manual can opener
  • Alternative cooking source
  • A first aid kit and handbook
  • A-B-C multipurpose fire extinguisher
  • Extra medication for those who need prescription drugs
  • Adjustable pipe or crescent wrench to turn off the gas and water supply
  • Chlorine bleach and instructions for purifying water
  • Candles and matches
  • Blankets, warm clothes, sturdy shoes and heavy glove
I  would have a professional come and inspect all the appliances in our home, to make sure they are earthquake ready. If I have a gas stove, I should know where the shutoff switch is, but I have an electric stove, so I don't need to do that. However, everyone should know where the electric switchoff is. Also, we have a lot of unsecured bookshelves with lots of books and other heavy things on them, so I would secure them with brackets, like this:

While the Earthquake Happens:
Stay indoors if you already are. Get under a sturdy table or desk, or go in a doorway.

 You shouldn't hide near walls that connect outdoors. Also avoid mirrors, picture frames, glass and furniture that might tip over. IF you are outdoors, stay away from power lines and buildings. For example, a parking lot would be ideal. In my house, I would probably go to the archway in my living room, because it is away from glass and furniture that might tip over.

Evaluating my House for Earthquake Safety
My house isn't so earthquake safe, because there is a lot of glass. We have glass doors, lots and lots of windows, and not that many tables or desks. However it doesn't have a gas stove, and we have lots of doorways, so that's a plus.

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